Papermoon Puppet Theatre had a new experimentation on medium, and in 1200° , all of puppets they made were made out of ceramic.
In this piece, they embraced the sound from the materials, from surroundings. The piece would like to give the audience time to pause and to appreciate every little sounds around through ASMR sounds they used.
1200° is a story about pursuing a dream, how a creation tries to make itself… itself.
A little head made out of clay woke up, and found that the body parts that was put for it, was not what supposed to be. The little head tried to dig, to find the body parts that would meet its expectation. With lots of help from it friends, the little head had a journey to be comfort on its own choices.
1200° was part of the closing Program Peduli by The Asia Foundation. Program Peduli was initiated by The Asia Foundation to facilitate and empower marginal communities in Indonesia, including transgender communities, people with different abilities, indigenous people who live in Indonesian jungle, etc.
Papermoon Puppet Theatre started the process of 1200° by doing workshop with transgender communities in Yogyakarta.
People’s comments :
“very clever combination between materials and theme!”
“Because it is a non verbal piece, it allowed audiences to build their own stories. Awesome!”
“All puppets are so real!”
“Those details in the sounds.. are AMAZING!”
“Vulnerable yet beautiful”.
Articles about 1200° :