Papermoon Residency House
a place for artists who need a retreat to make new work, do research, collaboration, on puppetry fields in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This eco-friendly house located on the hill, in the middle of terracotta artisan village, and surrounded by nature. The house has huge green open space with beautiful garden where you could do
yoga, meditation, or even stargazing in the night.
The house facilitated with:
You could take weekly or monthly artists residency program with Papermoon Puppet Theatre in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Papermoon Residency House is located in the middle of a village of terracotta artisans, 5 minutes biking from our studio.
Living in community compound will allow artists to interact with locals, doing exchanges with fellow artists from different disciplines. Sharing session, work in progress performance, studio visit, learn from the masters, will be part of the residency program.
Please contact us for joining our Residency Program, and to stay at Papermoon Residency House.